i can tag your ass from across the map as well, depending on the upgrades i have and the upgrades my teammates have, as far as 14-1 gotit whats that shit? you don't have stats like that in WoT when you die you don't enter the same game again, you go to a completely random game and map when you die. as far as his number of kills not unusual depending on the tank you use seen it many times when the conditions are right.
As far as the hacks go, see how many can actually get them to work. yep they sell them and people are stupid enuff to pay for them, but you have to actually hack into their system to try and use them.
As you gain experience mario and you crew levels up you get a further view range, there are also mods that give you further view range once you get to a level where you can use those upgrades. also your teammates send out there signals to show you where people are that you cant see except on the mini map, and YES you can blind shot those folks you just gotta know what you're doing.
For every hack you think you encounter in this game there is a thread that gives you a legit reason for it, troll the forums if you don't believe me. been playin this game over a year and the current physics make things possible that you think are impossible.