As most of you know, I have been playing AA on and off now for almost four years. At the end of each round I noticed early on in my game experience that some players were able to verbalize "Hooah", even long after the round ended and before the start of the new round. No matter what I did, I could not join them - I would hit the H key and hear nothing.
I thought to myself, "It must be caused by key binds". So I diligently worked on creating my own set, including a special one for hollering "Hooah". Still didn't work.
Day after day, round after round, this inability drove me crazy. Years past by and I stopped trying to figure out the secret. But deep down it was a source of irritation. Then one day a couple of weeks ago, just after a round ended while I was sitting and looking at the stats page,, I accidentally hit the Esc key. And I discovered that many players were using this option to chat in-between rounds. And I heard and saw someone holler "Hooah".
Boy, did I feel stupid. All those years, all those irritating moments, all the frustration caused by my lack of understanding - in one magic moment I gained a simple understanding. Just color me stupid, ok? So, next round I tried it. End of round, stat page, hit Esc key and then hit the H key. Like magic I hollered "hooah"! I sat there laughing at myself for my innocence.
Have a good lchuckle at my expense - I did, and still do at the end of each round when I look back on my years of ignorance.