Now, I have played this game Drunker than a sheet in the windstorm and stoned. But I have never gotten so fucked up that I forget which way to go.
This Guy Chieface, was on the middle top of the bridge, shooting towards the def side. He stands up and misses the ladder, falls (cruch) is Yellow.
Then he starts to run back towards assult spawn. I was thinking maybe he was looking for a weapon as maybe he used all his rounds up. Hmm
K He gets past the truck, and sneaks around for a bit...
Ah Victory is just around the conrer.. If only I could make it to objective ( Him probably thinking that)
We (those on Vent) were pissing ourselves laughing...
Finally the end is near!
Sneaking through the woods
I can see the End! He though! ITS its its right there in plain sight.. Gets to the trucks at spawn stops.. turns around thinking what the fuck, No objective!!!!!!
Tic Tok Time ran out
Hmm he needs more training or less of what it was he had in his system...
Ah the life of a drunken soldier on the Bridge!